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curated by BROWNIE Art Photography

2018.06.22 – 07.31
Undefine M50 上海艺术书展第二分会场


由Brownie Art Photography艺术总监nemo和艺术家郭盈光一同策划”Why I do photography?”摄影书展,以15本独立摄影书来讨论当下摄影师为什么要做一本摄影书的话题。在过去的十年里,摄影世界见证了Photobook的爆炸式增长——各种规模出版社的出现、越来越多的国际奖项和荣誉、形式愈发广泛的实践,以及越来越尖锐的批评话语。所以,摄影师为什么要做一本摄影书?它可以是一种叙述、一种观看、一种试图与观众建立联系的途径,也可以是来自个人的感受。每个艺术家都需要一个做书的理由,然而每个艺术家都不缺一个做书的好理由。

BROWNIE Art Photography 品牌诞生的初衷是向每一个人分享来自全球的摄影艺术作品及文化,致力于将摄影及视觉艺术带入生活,以创造具有艺术美感及灵感的生活方式。 我们相信,在这个时代,是以好作品为先。而好的摄影作品,是会带来启发、灵感、观点,以及另外的世界。并且,它们应当被更多人喜爱及拥有,与那些美好且有价值的事物一起,形成更为自在与自足的生活。 BROWNIE 关于摄影,又不止于摄影。地址:上海市南京西路1515号静安嘉里中心北区二楼06B. http://www.browniephoto.com

Over the past decade, the medium of photobook has experienced great changes, under the circumstances of different types of publishing houses, various international awards and prizes, influential experimentation and sharper critical discourse.Photobook does offer a narrative like no other, an very personable way of looking or a method can strongly resonate with audiences. And it also can be the personal expression of a deep emotion.Whereas each artist needs a reason to create a photobook, all good reasons are already there.

About the Curator: BROWNIE is a brand with a mission to make photography accessible for everyone. Using archival printing and framing techniques, we aim to offer limited editions of our international selection of art photographs to the public. We believe that good photography should be inspirational, innovative, and sometimes eccentric. BROWNIE hopes these art photographs can be appreciated and owned by more people so that they will thrive and flourish. BROWNIE is about photography, but also beyond photography.Address:N2-06B, Jing An Kerry Centre, 1515 Nanjing Road West, Shanghai, China. www.browniephoto.com

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