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忘了日本 – 这将是一个遗忘与记忆的游戏。

“Forget Japan – This will be a game of forgetting and remembering.”

Flip Page

主讲人:商量,艺术家,生活在北京。从事摄影、视频、贴纸、涂鸦、行为表演等艺术创作。  2017 年开始至今,先后创作了「一千张自拍」、「无时不刻」、「明天会更好」、「街头败王」、「忘了日本」作品并举办数场展览。20207月,独立出版《忘了日本》摄影书。

Shang Liang, artist, living in Beijing.  Engaged in artistic creation such as photography, video, stickers, graffiti, performances, etc. Since 2017, he has created works such as “One Thousand Self-Portraits, “Moments”, “Tomorrow Will Be Better”, “Street Lose”r, “Forget Japan” and held several exhibitions.In July 2020, independently published the “Forget Japan” photo book.



通过将实景摄影、报纸扫描、Google 街景截图三个部分的影像从各自的语境中脱离、解构、重组、混合,建立一套属于这些图像本身的叙事方法,去尝试体验时间和空间的任意纵横、虚拟与现实的模糊不清。



Forget Japan is the lastest art project by Shang Liang.

By detaching, deconstructing, reorganizing, and mixing the three parts of photography, newspaper scan, and Google street view screenshots from their respective contexts, a set of narrative methods belonging to these images themselves is established to try to experience any aspect of time and spacewith the ambiguity of virtual and reality.

Shang Liang will share the inspiration, thoughts, ideas in the process of creating “Forget Japan”, as well as the difficulties and challenges encountered in the independent publishing of photo book and  products.

At the same time, Shang Liang will also share with the audience about his unique journey of becoming an independent artist through a series of works he created.

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