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24 Artist’s Books from Charles Nypels Lab / Jan van Eyck Academie

curated by Jo Frenken and BANANAFISH BOOKS

24 Artist’s Books from Charles Nypels Lab / Jan van Eyck Academie
curated by Jo Frenken and BANANAFISH BOOKS

荷兰 Jan van Eyck 学院 Charles Nypels Lab 24本精选艺术家书 陈列展
2018.06.22 – 06.24
Undefine M50上海艺术书展第二分会场


Charles Nypels Lab荷兰马斯特里赫特艺术学院Jan van Eyck内印刷和出版实验室,支持学院驻地艺术家在制作艺术家书和海报等印刷品上的各类工艺制作与出版实验室以一对一的指导帮助对在学院驻地的艺术家、作家、设计师、摄影师、诗人、科学家和学者们实现他们在出版物上的想法和创新。实验室拥有孔版印刷(Risograph/mimeograph, 丝网印刷),Letterpress和柔版印刷(凹版及凸版)等多而全的印刷实现形式。近年来以其在制作艺术家书的专业性和出版物的特别性、多样化逐渐成为一个国际性的出版印刷中心而备受关注。自2014年开始,Charles Nypels Lab每两年组织一场规模盛大的Magical Riso Biennial双年会,将世界各地的Riso专家聚集在学院一起讨论Risograph印刷对艺术出版物的影响。实验室主管:Jo Frenken.

Charles Nypels Lab为上海艺术书展精选的这24本艺术家书,都由在Jan van Eyck驻地艺术家自出版或是独立出版社出版,100-200印量不等,均采用Charles Nypels Lab实验室的Risograph印刷方式,在设计师Jo Frenken的帮助下,由艺术家亲自印刷+手工装订成册,作为每一个人在van Eyck半年到一年驻地期间的项目纪念出版物。这些艺术家书在不考虑大量生产、发行、成本的前提下,以想法的展开和印刷、装帧的特点为先,成为一本本概念性和美感度兼具的艺术家书。


关于早读课老师:关暐,产品/书籍设计师,毕业于德国HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd艺术设计学校,香蕉鱼书店联合创办人,上海艺术书展艺术总监,拥有多年丰富的设计、印刷、工艺制作经验。早读收费:100元;早读课预约报名


1. Sigrid Calon: To the Extend of…
2. Sean Kuhnke: Awnings
3. Rain Wu: RARA Speak
4. Karin Peulen: Apprentice Master
5. Iván Martínez López: Megaphone News
6. Jo Frenken & Miek Zwamborn: Tireragan
7. Jo Frenken & Miek Zwamborn: Oology
8. Dominique Hurth: Language in the Darkness of the World…
9. Julie van der Vaart: Skin
10. Julie van der Vaart: Mountains, Waves & Skies
11. Rosan Hollak: Mosaic
12. Paul Drissen: Boogje Boogje …
13. Ediciones Popolet: Ghost Pavillion
14. Maura Biava: Limaçon of…
15. Florette Dijkstra: Werkkamers
16. Stéphanie Lagarde: Iris (3 volumes)
17. Sarmad Magazine: Book Two
18. Nathania Rubin: Silly Creature
19. Stijn Peeters:Ezel,7 volumes
20. Johannes Schwartz:Tiergarten
21. Tim Hollander: The Lazy Artist…
22. Galia Eibenschutz: In the Gloom
23. Julius Heinemann: Jamonline
24. Various Artists: Magical Riso 2016

Morning Reading presented by Wei Guan
Art Director of Shanghai Art Book Fair, Founder of Bananafish Books
6.23/6.24 9:00 – 10:00
Address: Undefine M50
Fee: 100 rmb, including unfold and read all 24 out-of-print books, Mr.Wei introduces each book and shares his experience on book making, book printing with Risograph and book binding, hand-made binding tool to try how to bind a perfect bound book after the reading.
Space is limited and registration is required. Tickets Available Here

About the Curator: The Charles Nypels Lab for Printing & Publishing is renowned for its specialist expertise in making artists’ books and print editions. As part of the Van Eyck – a post-academic institute for artistic talent development based in Maastricht (NL) – it offers one-on-one guidance to artists, writers, designers, photographers, poets, scientists and essayists in developing their work. The Labs specialist areas include stencil print (risograph/mimeograph and screen print), letterpress and photopolymer (relief and intaglio). Several printing techniques may be combined, to prepare editions of hybrid publications and other printed work. In a short period, the Charles Nypels Lab has expanded to become an international centre of expertise and development for many sorts of artists’ publications. Every second year the Charles Nypels Lab organises the Magical Riso Biennial, welcoming Riso experts from around the world. Lab director: Jo Frenken.

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