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To Illustrate & Illustrate for?

主讲人:Gracie Li & Ginko Yang

Gracie Li, Slow Movement 联合创办人,3D设计师。毕业于伦敦艺术大学传媒学院,擅长插画相关的创意整合及多媒介应用,创办的 Slow Movement 为极具潜力的插画师提供代理等服务。

Ginko Yang,今年夏天刚毕业于中央圣马丁MA Graphic Communication Design,目前工作/生活在上海。对虚构与人类想象的世界很感兴趣。在从平面设计转向插画的过程中,在自我表达和委托任  务的平衡之间,慢慢找到了自己,也有幸被一些对的群体看到,作品两次被英国创意媒体Its Nice That报道;客户包括NY Times, Wired UK, Lazy Oaf等。

Gracie Li, co-founder of Slow Movement, 3D designer. She graduated from London College of Communication of University of the Arts London, specialised in providing multi-disciplined solutions around illustration and visual media application. Slow Movement represents some of the most talented illustrators in China.

Now based in Shanghai, Ginko is an illustrator just graduated from Central Saint Martins, MA Graphic Communication Design. She is always interested in fiction and imaginary landscapes. Turning from a career as graphic designer, she slowly found herself between illustration client works and self-expression, and luckily is getting noticed by right kind of people and community. Featured two times on It’s Nice That. Clients includes NY Times, Wired UK and Lazy Oaf.


To Illustrate, 去画吧,这是我们问及给年轻插画师建议时得到最多的答案。插画对我们来说意味着什么?一项爱好?一种谋生的技巧?还是向世界发声的独有频道?… Slow Movement 寻找着那些坚持发声的笔触,他们时常闪耀,色彩各异。而在中国创办一家插画的经纪机构,我们又有哪些思考?

Illustrate For Ginko 整理自己短暂两年间插画作品之后开始的一次思考。我们为什么填补画布的空白?除了商业作品和已然形成的风格模式,我们可不可以为了爱和美、纯粹的愉悦、一个社群、个人精神福祉而画?在以下这些项目中,作品本身似乎由于有了这些潜在的愿景而散发了它们应有的光采。

To illustrate. That’s the answer we get most when we ask for advice to young illustrators. What does illustration mean to us? A hobby? A way to make a living? Or is it a unique channel communicating to the world? … Slow Movement is looking for those who insist on narrating. They often shine and have different colors. Also what do we think about setting up an illustration agency in China?…

Illustrate For is about Ginko’s thinking of her 2-year practice in illustration. Why are we filling the blank canvas with these various elements?

Instead of illustrating for clients or our existed style, could we just illustrate for love and beauty/ pure pleasure/ a community, or personal wellbeing? From the following projects I found some of my works sparkled a bit because of the good wills hidden behind.

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