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「How to Get Involved Scenes of Art Book Fairs in the World」Miyuki Kawabe of commune

06.23  14:30 – 15:00

Commune Press创办人Miyuki Kawabe将介绍多年来commune作为东京一家非常活跃的书店及独立出版社的众多文化、出版活动,以及她在参加洛杉矶、纽约、墨尔本、首尔等世界各地艺术书展的有趣经历。commune作为一家非常活跃的书店空间、出版社、策划机构,她是如何将这些打理好,并乐此不疲的~大本营位于东京的出版及书店品牌Commune Press,计划出版艺术书刊及策划展览,志在将具有潜力的艺术家介绍给世界。2016年2月,Commune实体艺术书店在东京落地。

Miyuki Kawabe, director of commune Press, will give a talk about activities of commune / commune Press and her experiences at several art book fairs held at cities in the world, such as LA Art Book Fair, New York Art Book Fair, Melbourne Art Book Fair, Unlimted Edition Seoul Art Book Fair, etc.

About commune: We “commune” have since closed our gallery/shop in Tokyo in order to concentrate on publishing art zines and books from own label called “commune Press” and curating shows so as to stay true to out primary goal, introducing undiscovered and promising artists to as many people as possible all around the world.February in 2016, we opened small store specialized to zines and art books in Tokyo.

地址:O ART CENTER 上海艺术书展主会场EVENT ROOM. 入场免费,观众席位20名。

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