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2场展览与三本riso book

Two expositions and three riso books

主讲人:冯少武,  fantom 2009年开始进入广告圈,从事品牌设计与摄影工作至今十多年,经历七年自由职业状态后,2019年年末创立不少创意品牌机构,并开办PRINTHOPE RISO 印社,开展艺术展览、艺术书出版以及艺术衍生品开发。

fantom Since 2009, he has been engaged in brand design and photography for more than ten years. After seven years of freelance work, he founded the “unless Creative” brand organization at the end of 2019 and set up the PRINTHOPE RISO Press, which carries out art exhibitions, art book publishing and art derivative development.

主题:2场展览与三本riso book Two expositions and three riso books



2019-2020年期间,我为身边的两位朋友策划了她们的首次个人作品展。从梳理和挖掘她们作品及作品背后的故事,到鼓励她们以riso的印刷方式出版个人艺术作品集(郭郭手绘速涂作品《KIDS》、PUNK FUNK胶片摄影+刺绣《无目的的旅行》、PUNK FUNK 《潘方刺绣作品集》)。在筹备展览的过程中,我与创作者一起,让作品不单是孤立的表达,我们将展览的思路延续到艺术书当中,而艺术书本身又是展览的延续。Riso独特的艺术表现形式,也变成了对作品的再次创作,少量且独特的印刷出版形式,增添了作品的独特个性。

During 2019-2020, I planned the first solo exhibition for two friends around me. From combing and exploring their works and the stories behind them, to encouraging them to publish their personal art works by riso printing (Gloris Guo’s freehand painting works “KIDS”, PUNK FUNK film photography + embroidery “Aimless Journey”, “PUNK FUNK embroidery works”). In the process of preparing for the exhibition, together with the creator, we made the works not only an isolated expression, but also extended the idea of the exhibition into the art book, which itself is the continuation of the exhibition. Riso’s unique artistic expression also became a re-creation of the work, with a small number of unique print publications adding to the unique character of the work.

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