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06.23  18:30 – 19:00

位于墨西哥的独立出版品牌Zini Books,热衷于出版自己和朋友们的作品。这个充满创新、热情的出版品牌是由几位好朋友一起成立的,并希望通过出版找到志趣相投的伙伴。出版人Jesh将在这次的上海艺术书展分享会上和大家聊一聊他在墨西哥从事独立出版和经营一个创意空间的逸闻趣事和对理想的坚持,同时出版人Jesh将话题集中在AMIGO(西班牙语:人、朋友)Friends 这个单词上,在墨西哥的艺术氛围下,大家如何通过独立出版成为惺惺相惜的朋友与同盟。

AMIGOS AND ZINES: MEXICO’S ZINE SCENE,Cooperation is a key element in the generation of new places of distribution and exhibition for independent publishers, artists and designers and to keep re-constructing the network we must focus on a common value: empathy. This talk is an approach to the printing history, techniques, trends, festivals, art book fairs, zine fairs and how things work for small publishing houses and independent artists in Mexico and how we became friends (amigos) in the process.

Zini books is an independent publishing space in Mexico where we enjoy to draw and publish on own material and our friends material. This creative collective is made by friends that are looking to make new friends. Jesh Martin, Founder of ZINI BOOKs, and publishing and creative space in Mexico.

分享会地址:O ART CENTER 上海艺术书展主会场EVENT ROOM. 入场免费,观众席位20名。

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