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curated by edition.nord

日本艺术书聚焦图书馆 日本 edition.nord 出版社策划
2019.05.17 – 05.19 11:00 – 20:00
地址:M50 羽毛球馆

edition.nord 原是位于东京新宿的「schtücco」平面设计办公室的出版项目。在首席设计师秋山申 Shin Akiyama 和他的妻子Ayako Tsutsumi 于2010年底搬到日本的大雪地区新泻市之后,edition.nord 成立。自成立以来,edition.nord 已经合作并出版了很多著名艺术家的作品,如 Shinro Ohtake 大竹伸朗,Tadashi Kawamata 川俣正,Risaku Suzuki 铃木理策,Masanao Hirayama 平山昌尚 和 Gozo Yoshimasu 吉增刚造,不仅在日本而且在海外也受到关注。 2016年,edition.nord 是布尔诺国际平面设计双年展的唯一亚洲提名人,这是欧洲最受欢迎的国际平面设计展之一。近年来,书籍设计师 Akiyama Shin 在东京艺术大学高级艺术表达艺术中心和 Meme 设计学院任教,并一直担任装订比赛的评委。 2018年1月作为吕敬人老师的书籍设计版讲师邀请到北京授课,7月作为“书籍设计之道 – 吕敬人书籍设计40周年”的展览开幕演讲嘉宾。JFL 巡回书展项目始于2018年 MISS READ 柏林艺术书展 [Japan Focus] 年,Shin 受邀为策划人。

在本届艺术书展上, UNFOLD 上海艺术书展组委会很荣幸邀请 edition.nord 以更丰富的“聚焦日本” 艺术书图书馆 ( JapanFocus Library ) 为主题,为公众带来近百本由 Shin Akiyama 亲自征集并选入这个图书馆项目的艺术书籍(涵盖摄影、设计、艺术、插画、装置等),JFL 在世界各地书展上以展览的形式展出,公众可以自由翻阅。艺术书图书馆免费对 UNFOLD 2019 逛展读者开放。欢迎大家来现场阅读。部分图书馆展示作品可接受读者预订购买。

Since moving from Shinjuku in Tokyo in late 2010, it is a label that publishes and exhibits art books in Japan’s leading heavy snowfall area. In parallel with the design work, the publisher Shin Akiyama, also known as fomous book desinger in Japan, has been engaged in steady publishing activities for 2-3 books a year. Since 2015 he has continued to participate in Art Book Fairs around the world. He is invited to participate from art book exhibitions, book forums, etc., and their existence is being recognized worldwide.

In recent years, Shin Akiyama has taught at the Tokyo University of the Arts Art Center for Advanced Art Expression and Meme Design School, and has been a judge for the bookbinding contest. He was also invited to Beijing in January 2018 as a lecturer for the“Jingren Book Design Workshop”, and in July as a speaker for the “The opening forum of Tao of Book Design – a 40 Years Journey of Book Design by Lu Jingren”Japan Focus Library (JFL) is an art book fair project curated by Shin Akiyama on the occassion of MISS READ: the Bierlin Art Book Fair 2018: Japan Focus Year.

UNFOLD Shanghai Art Book Fair is honored to bring this project for UNFOLD 2019 with a wider collection by Shin Akiyama. FREE ENTRY to all UNFOLD 2019 fair visitors. Part of the exhibits accept a pre-order. ( editionnord.com)

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