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「Do Photobook Need to Be Designed?」Wang Jun&Li Yida, Imageless Stuido

06.23  16:30 – 17:00


Do Photobook need to be designed?

The Photobook plays an important role in the category of art books. It is the media or the way to reflect the art world. The idea of the book design and the correlation between the setting and photography evoke the great enthusiasm from Professional photographers. To satisfy their passion and enthusiasm, School of design Jiangnan University Graphic Design Teacher Wang Jun and Japanese Photobook collector Li Yidi will be invited to Imageless Studio, which is an independent publisher in photography and located in Wuxi, to discuss ideas of Photobook design between the East and West.

Imageless Studio space in Wuxi

地址:O ART CENTER 上海艺术书展主会场EVENT ROOM. 入场免费,观众席位20名。

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