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「The Reference #1: Asia Art book Library」Jeong Eun Kim

06.23  13:00 – 14:00

亚洲艺术书图书馆由首尔unit cirle和东京艺术书展共同策划,于2018年3月16日-4月24日在韩国知名摄影杂志IANN的新空间,作为其开幕展启动。The Reference #1亚洲艺术书图书馆的前身来源于2017年东京艺术书展期间,亚洲作为这一年的TABF的主宾国身份出现,东京艺术书展组委会邀请亚洲五个国家和地区里与艺术出版领域有紧密关系的五位选书人按照主题进行选书策划,是2017东京艺术书展主要展览内容。首尔摄影杂志主编Jeong Eun Kim将在分享会介绍她成立的unit circle的首个策划项目The Reference#1,并以编辑的角度,以亚洲为原点,希望这个非盈利艺术文化组织可以打破语言的障碍,以亚洲地区的艺术和文化作为信息交流目的,营造一个良好的沟通网络,在合作互换、文化研究和出版领域进行有效的对话。

The talk wiil focus on a new project by IANNBOOKS: The Reference. The Reference, a bookstore specialising in photography, is a new media publishing platform located in Seoul. Like any other bookstores, most photo books here are on display/sale, but the space The Reference includes other functions as well. Jeong Eun Kim, the director of this space tries to utilize the venue as a composite space for the purpose of fostering education and culture, by opening up workshops, forums, and other activities. while holding an opening exhibition.

The Reference #1: Asia Art book Library in Seoul space (3.16-4.24) as its debut opening exhibition collected 241 title from five countries&area of Asia (Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, and Singapore). The Reference plans to select artists by ourselves and promote their works, instead of just existing as a passive bookseller—holding the role as a producer or a manager of a sort, all the while functioning as a bookstore.

地址:O ART CENTER 上海艺术书展主会场EVENT ROOM. 入场免费,观众席位20名。

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