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字体游戏 Type Game

【字体游戏】是平面设计师 Caicai 2019年独立发起的字体研究企划。字体设计通常给人十分严谨、细致、专业难懂的印象。此次here +here的工作坊意在用游戏互动的方式,动动手一起探索文字形态变化的可能性,突破大众对英文字母形态的认知,从玩耍中获取创意灵感。

Type Game is an experimental font research project initiated by caicai in 2019. Typography has often been viewed as a very rigorous and serious profession. This workshop aims to break down some of the common misconceptions by introducing an interactive type game to the audience and encourage them to enjoy the process of recreating fonts. Together we will deconstruct the form of English letters and reconstruct new ones. This workshop invites people to explore the unlimited possibilities of font shapes and aims to create and exchange inspirations during the creative process.

here+here collective

指导老师 蔡滨荟,

指导老师介绍:毕业于英国皇家艺术学院,现居住于广州、成都两地。擅长使用物理材料来研究开发新的视觉语言。在创作过程中,她始终相信“Hand teaches brain”是创意灵感的最佳途径。

Binhui Cai is a skilled and professional graphic designer, graduated from the Royal College of Art, currently based in Cheungdu and Guangzhou, China. Her work looks into the relationship between the living environment and mental experience. She explores new visual designs by finding creative ways of engaging with physical materials. 




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