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Provoke and Photobooks of the 1960s and ’70
curated by NITESHA & Jiazazhi Press/Library

「挑衅 Provoke」系列摄影书展,东京二手舍&假杂志图书馆共同策划
O ART CENTER 上海艺术书展主会场 二手舍NITESHA展位A13

日本古书店・二手舍将以「Provoke 挑衅」为切入点,以摄影书为主体探讨六〇、七〇年代日本摄影的动向及其时代背景。「Provoke 挑衅」一词来自1968年美术评论家多木浩二和摄影家中平卓马所策划,并邀请诗人冈田隆彦和摄影家高梨丰加入,所创刊的摄影同人志之刊名。摄影家森山大道于第二期加入。该杂志以「为了思想的挑衅式资料」为副标题,内容由影像、散文和诗歌构成。杂志一共发行了三期,最终于1970年3月结集出版了《先把正确的世界丢弃吧》之后,宣告解散。粗颗粒、因盲拍而导致的不稳定构图、失焦且不鲜明,这样的影像被揶俞为「粗劣・摇晃・失焦」,评论毁誉参半,时而给那个时代带来了超越摄影的深刻冲击。

此次书展,二手舍将带来《Provoke 挑衅》同人成员的摄影集,并加以同时代的海内外经典选书,试图以「书」来串连、铺陈该时代的摄影艺术发展脉络及氛围。2018年正好为《Provoke 挑衅》创刊50週年,二手舍很荣幸地宣布将于今年11月发行《Provoke 挑衅 复刻版》,盼透过此次书展,呈现六〇、七〇年代促成日本摄影多样貌的「挑衅式资料」。


NITESHA – a secondhand bookstore based in Tokyo is pleased to present a book exhibition taking “Provoke” as a keyword, through the presentation of photobooks to discuss the movements and the time background of Japanese photography in the 60s and 70s. The term “Provoke” came from the title of a photography dojin-shi, or self-published magazine published in 1968. It was originally conceived by art critic Koji Taki and photographer Takuma Nakahira, with poet Takahiko Okada and photographer Yutaka Takanashi as dojin members. The subtitle for the magazine was “Provocative Materials for Thought”, and each issue was composed of photographs, essays and poems. After releasing the second and third issue with Daido Moriyama as a subsequent member, the group broke up with their last publication First, Abandon the World of Pseudo-Certainty – an overview edition of the three issues. Provoke’s grainy, blurry, and out-of-focus photographs were initially ridiculed as are-bure-boke and stirred a great deal of controversy, yet it had created a strong impact inside and outside of the photography world during that time.

In this book exhibition, NITESHA will introduce photobooks by “Provoke” members, and a selection of notable books that are published in and out of Japan from the same period. We aim to illustrate the artistic context and atmosphere of the time background through the presentation of books. In addition to that, 2018 marks the 50th year since Provoke had first been published, NITESHA is pleased to announce that we will publish “Provoke Complete Reprint of 3 Volumes” this November. Through this book exhibition, we hope to present “provocative materials” which contribute to the varied faces of Japanese photography in the 60s and 70s.

About the Curator: NITESHA is a Tokyo-based secondhand bookstore specialized in arts and photography books. A book gallery NITESHA BGTP is located in Taipei. BOOK EXHIBITION is a project produced by NITESHA. Every time the exhibition will feature a different theme, and it is an interactive exhibition invites audiences to “see”, to “learn”, to “touch” and all the books are “purchasable”. NITESHA as a used bookstore specialized in arts and photography, in addition to the primary used books buy and sell services, they aim to convey the value and fascination of used and vintage books through the project of Book Exhibition.

Provoke and Photobooks of the 1960s and ’70

curated by NITESHA & Jiazazhi Press/Library

Provoke and Photobooks of the 1960s and ’70
curated by NITESHA & Jiazazhi Press/Library

「挑衅 Provoke」系列摄影书展,东京二手舍&假杂志图书馆共同策划
O ART CENTER 上海艺术书展主会场 二手舍NITESHA展位A13

日本古书店・二手舍将以「Provoke 挑衅」为切入点,以摄影书为主体探讨六〇、七〇年代日本摄影的动向及其时代背景。「Provoke 挑衅」一词来自1968年美术评论家多木浩二和摄影家中平卓马所策划,并邀请诗人冈田隆彦和摄影家高梨丰加入,所创刊的摄影同人志之刊名。摄影家森山大道于第二期加入。该杂志以「为了思想的挑衅式资料」为副标题,内容由影像、散文和诗歌构成。杂志一共发行了三期,最终于1970年3月结集出版了《先把正确的世界丢弃吧》之后,宣告解散。粗颗粒、因盲拍而导致的不稳定构图、失焦且不鲜明,这样的影像被揶俞为「粗劣・摇晃・失焦」,评论毁誉参半,时而给那个时代带来了超越摄影的深刻冲击。

此次书展,二手舍将带来《Provoke 挑衅》同人成员的摄影集,并加以同时代的海内外经典选书,试图以「书」来串连、铺陈该时代的摄影艺术发展脉络及氛围。2018年正好为《Provoke 挑衅》创刊50週年,二手舍很荣幸地宣布将于今年11月发行《Provoke 挑衅 复刻版》,盼透过此次书展,呈现六〇、七〇年代促成日本摄影多样貌的「挑衅式资料」。


NITESHA – a secondhand bookstore based in Tokyo is pleased to present a book exhibition taking “Provoke” as a keyword, through the presentation of photobooks to discuss the movements and the time background of Japanese photography in the 60s and 70s. The term “Provoke” came from the title of a photography dojin-shi, or self-published magazine published in 1968. It was originally conceived by art critic Koji Taki and photographer Takuma Nakahira, with poet Takahiko Okada and photographer Yutaka Takanashi as dojin members. The subtitle for the magazine was “Provocative Materials for Thought”, and each issue was composed of photographs, essays and poems. After releasing the second and third issue with Daido Moriyama as a subsequent member, the group broke up with their last publication First, Abandon the World of Pseudo-Certainty – an overview edition of the three issues. Provoke’s grainy, blurry, and out-of-focus photographs were initially ridiculed as are-bure-boke and stirred a great deal of controversy, yet it had created a strong impact inside and outside of the photography world during that time.

In this book exhibition, NITESHA will introduce photobooks by “Provoke” members, and a selection of notable books that are published in and out of Japan from the same period. We aim to illustrate the artistic context and atmosphere of the time background through the presentation of books. In addition to that, 2018 marks the 50th year since Provoke had first been published, NITESHA is pleased to announce that we will publish “Provoke Complete Reprint of 3 Volumes” this November. Through this book exhibition, we hope to present “provocative materials” which contribute to the varied faces of Japanese photography in the 60s and 70s.

About the Curator: NITESHA is a Tokyo-based secondhand bookstore specialized in arts and photography books. A book gallery NITESHA BGTP is located in Taipei. BOOK EXHIBITION is a project produced by NITESHA. Every time the exhibition will feature a different theme, and it is an interactive exhibition invites audiences to “see”, to “learn”, to “touch” and all the books are “purchasable”. NITESHA as a used bookstore specialized in arts and photography, in addition to the primary used books buy and sell services, they aim to convey the value and fascination of used and vintage books through the project of Book Exhibition.

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