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Best Dutch Book Designs 2015-2017

Supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands & the Best Dutch Books Design Foundation


荷兰王国驻华大使馆与荷兰最美图书基金会于2016年首次联手将最美图书展带来中国。今年的 UNFOLD 2019 上海艺术书展将展出从2015至2017年度的全部获奖图书,这近100本精美书籍将会在 UNFOLD 2019 三日艺术书展现场和众多热爱艺术书籍的读者们见面! 推广荷兰创意产业和促进文化交流是荷兰国际文化政策的核心目标。举办荷兰最美图书中国巡展是荷兰王国驻华大使馆向中国普通观众推广荷兰图书设计的方式之一。荷兰最美图书综合评估了书本在设计、平版印刷、打印、装帧和出版方面的质量,最终选出了在各方面都十分出色的一些书籍。一年一度的荷兰最美图书年度评选,历史可追溯到1926年,是欧洲同类奖项中历史最悠久的一个。因最美图书大奖的存在,荷兰图书印刷行业出现多元发展的趋势,实际上,一本书不仅汇集了一系列的专业知识,也凝聚着出版商、作家、设计师、排版者、印刷厂和装订者的创造力,勇气和坚持。评委会每年都会汇聚各色精英,本着独立自主的原则,从过去一年新提名的出版物中,选出不同风格的优秀作品给出自己的评判,并选择出最佳书籍。过去几十年来,最佳图书设计的制定已经深得荷兰平面设计圈的钟爱。 感谢荷兰驻沪总领事馆对本次展览落地 UNFOLD 的大力支持,荷兰最美图书展 2015 – 2017 展览对 UNFOLD 2019 书展读者免费开放。
Since 2016, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Best Dutch Book Designs Foundation brought the The Best Dutch Book Designs exhibition to China for the very first time. It is our honor to present the winning book designs of 2015 – 2017 all in UNFOLD 2019 Shanghai Art Book Fair. These 100 special books will travel to many other cities in China until 2019. The best Detch Book Designs in the Netherlands comprehensively evaluates the quality of books in design, lithography, printing, binding and publishing, and finally selects some excellent books in all aspects. The annual selection of the most beautiful books in the Netherlands, dating back to 1926, is the oldest of its kind in Europe. Due to the existence of the most beautiful book awards, the Dutch book printing industry has a diversified development trend. In fact, a book not only brings together a series of professional knowledge, but also embodies publishers, writers, designers, typesetters, printers and bindings. Creativity, courage and persistence. Every year, the jury gathers elites from all walks of life. Based on the principle of independence, from the newly nominated publications of the past year, they select their outstanding works of different styles to give their own judgments and choose the best books. In the past few decades, the development of the best book design has won the love of the Dutch graphic design circle. Thanks a lot for the support of Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Shanghai. The exhibition is FREE ENTRY to UNFOLD 2019 visitors.
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