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06.24  14:00 – 14:30

‘moonyfarm material’一直致力于探索如何通过插画在不同载体的表现产生和人更紧密的联系。在纸上空间,我们会分享一些我们独立出版的手工书籍,包括全手工立体书”great summer”、面条书和独立私人项目-关于思考杭州门票的设计。我们希望借此契机去讨论如何在纸这一纤细熟悉的材质上运用新的设计思维,以插画和图像作为表达元素,去重构阅读体验,并且思考在纸这一个空间里和人产生联系和互动。

分享会嘉宾:Carmon, 平面设计师、插画家,moonyfarm艺术和创意总监,曾于北欧和日本游学,爱好独立出版, 尝试结合插画做更多有意思的项目;翘,专业用户体验研究与品牌体验策略,moonyfarm用户体验创意总监,爱好发掘各种手工新技能。

moonyfarm material is devoting to explore a closer relationship with people by applying illustration into multiple media. We might be used to think that paper is so familiar that we only could regard it as two-dimension container. In ‘ Design Thinking of Paper Interaction’, we will share our hand-made indie publishing, including < great summer > , a handmade pop-up book, < noodles >, and a personal project for Hangzhou Ticket Pass redesign. We hope to reform reading experience by using new design thinking, in a way of illustration and graphic, turing paper to a possible interaction with people beyond on a two-dimension.

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