City Walk: From M50 to Yesterday








苏州河西岸:从 M50 开往昨天 – 城市考古特别路线。书展现场集合再回到书展现场,总计两小时。

招募人数:20人,UNFOLD 2019 艺术书展读者特惠票价: 129元/人(两小时全程讲解)

From a historical point of view, it is not Huangpu River, but that of Suzhou River has bred the birth and grow of the

great city of Shanghai in the past several centuries. Officially named as Wusong River and more often known as

Soochow Creek in a much popular anglophone context, there are yet still many sites of historical remnants along both

riverbanks indicating the river’s great significance in Shanghai’s urban development history, despite the fact that

Suzhou River today has no longer been used as a major waterway for river transport. When foreign settlers were busy

at building their settlements along the Huangpu Bund, Chinese elites who are not willing to lag behind devoted themselves

along Suzhou River in catching up with the pace of modernity.

There are still many historical sites of industrial heritage and public infrastructure standing along the riverbanks that

can be dating back to early 20th century. Some of these historical buildings are still in use today. For example, the

M50 Creative Space is transformed from former site of New China Textile Co. Ltd. Built with the most advanced machinery

and technology of the time, the Shanghai Mint is still one of the several official coin makers of China. The last

fire station built by the Municipal Council of the International Settlement, Ichang Road Fire Station, completed in 1932,

is still functioning as a local fire station nowadays. Not only with these heritage sites, but areas along the river is also

of great cultural diversity. We will visit the largest mosque in Shanghai, the Huxi Mosque and its weekly bazaar (every

Friday) during our walk tour.

Ticket: 129 Yuan, two hours with tour guide (also in English); number of team: 20 people.



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