Live Wall Drawing by anusman at M50 Creative Park

王烁 anusman「市井」墙绘 M50 书展现场绘活动
2019.05.17 – 05.19 between 14:00 – 20:00 each day 1 to 2 hours
UNFOLD 2019 艺术书展 M50 创意园区现场


用传统的中国笔墨描绘当代的市井生活是艺术家 anusman 近几年的创作主题。近年来,他笔下创作的“门先生”成为所有叙事中的主人公。门先生是个生活在大城市的小市民,他朴实真诚 、稍有点小心眼,不去争取什么可比较的东西。他挤地铁、逛公园、去买菜、温酒、吃蟹、骑共享单车、回老家过年、听朋友讨论房价、听父母唠叨前程、还不忘关心弱势群体……尽管在这个变化的时代有很多格格不入的地方,但安静地活在自己的世界里。

anusman 也是一个喜欢自己手工做书的 zinester,连续两年都参加 UNFOLD,并积极准备很多新作品在书展现场发布。今年UNFOLD 艺术书展组委会邀请 anusman 为书展特别呈现墙绘艺术创作,希望通过他的笔墨绘画,在 M50 书展现场进行一个以艺术阅读 VS 市井生活的日常写照的大幅现场墙绘表演。以艺术家 + 生活家的角度表现 [艺术阅读] 融入[市民日常],我们邀请您来到现场驻足观看。

anusman, 本名王烁,漫画家,中国第一位漫画理论学者。1984年出生于辽宁省,2007年本科毕业于清华美术学院版画系;2012年毕业于法国昂古萊姆欧洲图像学院漫画专业,获得硕士学位;2017年毕业于中央美术学院设计学院设计学专业,获得博士学位;现为北京电影学院漫画专业讲师。他出版了数十本独立漫画书,其中包括畅销书《门先生》,并在多个国内外知名杂志上设立专栏。他的作品被包括法国昂古萊姆漫画博物馆在内的多个海内外艺术馆收藏,近年的个展有2017年在上海WKLY举办的 “墨之乐”和2017年初在 Tabula Rasa 画廊举办的“文畫盲”, 2019年3月-5月在Tabula Rasa 画廊举办其第二个个展“市井 | anusman 的一年”。他是漫画圈低调又神奇的独立漫画探索者。乐于画猫但却对猫过敏。

In recent years, anusman has been focusing on portraying the nuances of everyday life in the contemporary world with traditional Chinese ink painting techniques. Mr. Men, an original character the artist has created, becomes the protagonist of all these narratives. Mr. Men is an ordinary resident of a big city. He is down-to-earth, genuine, occasionally small-minded, and doesn’t care for competitions. He squeezes himself into packed subway trains, visits the local park, goes grocery shopping, warms his liquor, eats crabs, rides dockless bikes, returns home for Chinese New Year, listens to his friends’ debates on house prices, hears his parents’ worries about his future, and doesn’t forget to give his love and attention to the less fortunate…Although he often feels out of place in this time of change, he lives peacefully in his own world. anusman is also an artist who loves to make zines with his ink paintings. Since last year, anusman has been an exhibitor of UNFOLD Shanghai Art Book Fair. He makes new zines for his fans and launches at UNFOLD. This year the committee of UNFOLD invites anusman to make a large size wall drawing performance at M50 fair venue. How Art Reading envolves into Local Ordinary Life? We invite you come to the fair and find his live wall drawings.

Wang Shuo(b.1984, Liaoning, China). Comic artist, CHina’s first comic theory theorist. Graduated with a Ph.D degree in Central Academy of Fine Arts School of Design, Beijing, China(2017); master degree in European School of Visual Arts, Angouleme, French(2012); bachelor degree in Annecy School of Arts, Annecy, French(2010) and Tsinghua University, Beijing, China(2007). Currently teaching comics at the Beijing Film Academy. He published dozens of independent comic books, including the best-selling book Mr.Men, and presents as a columns in several well-known domestic and foreign magazines. His works have been collected by many museums including Musée de la bande dessinée d’Angoulême in Paris. Major solo exhibitions these years including Joy of Ink at WKLY, Shanghai, China(2017) and Ignoramus at Tabula Rasa Gallery, Beijing, China(2017), Street Market: a year of anusman, Tabula Rasa Gallery, Beijing China(2019.) Introduction about anusman here credits to Tabula Rasa Gallery, thank you!,


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