OPENING PERFORMANCE: 「Sound of the Aurora」Fredrik Rysjedal & Stephan Miedell & Jacqueline Fan, presented by Northing

05.17  18:00 – 19:30

UNFOLD 2019 上海艺术书展开幕表演:《极光之声》漫画现场,由中挪文化交流机构 Northing 选送

[极光之声] 是由挪威漫画家 Fredrik Rysjedal 创作的漫画现场表演作品,由《极光之声》和《近、更近、最近》两个故事组成。两个故事都是围绕画家素未谋面的爷爷——参加过战争的水手所展开,与家族传奇与谅解有关。故事均根据真实事件改编。

漫画现场是通过现场舞台表演的形式展现和阅读漫画的方式。Fredrik Rysjedal 会与现场即兴乐手配合,即兴编辑朗读漫画叙事。本次中国巡演特邀挪威著名实验作曲家、吉他手 Stephan Miedell,与中国民乐 Jacqueline Fan 乐手合作,为漫画现场配乐。


Sound of the Aurora is a comic performance where Fredrik Rysjedal will perform the two digital comics: Sound of the Aurora and Close, Closer, Closest. Both stories are based around this grandfather that was a warsailor, and the themes of the stories build around family legacy and forgiveness. The stories are based on real events.

Comic Performance is a scenic presentation of a comic, Fredrik Rysjedal is live editing the comic panels and visuals together with the musicians that play the Soundtrack live. This time Fredrik will play together with Stephan Miedell, experimental composer and guitarist from Norway, and Chinese musician with traditional Chinese instrument.


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