MiSAKI KAWAI: Heta Uma Zines

Misaki Kawai 河井美咲(xiào),日本著名艺术家,现居哥本哈根和洛杉矶两地。曾于1997 至 1999年在日本京都京都艺术学院学习。Misaki Kawai 成长于日本的大阪:日本的喜剧之都,当地传统文化中所蕴含的幽默和趣味,极大地影响了她的风格和主题。Misaki Kawai 的父亲是一位建筑师和摄影爱好者,妈妈很喜欢做手工玩具。在父母的耳熏目染之下,Misaki Kawai 自小便喜欢画画,制作各种玩具,当时的她似乎以一种儿童特有的角度吸收了父母的才能,并将其逐步扩展、实践在如今的艺术创作中。

Misaki Kawai 深受日本漫画风格“Heta Uma”影响(意为:糟糕的好)。她善于利用各种媒材进行创作:纸张和纸浆、木头和木屑、油漆、及毛毡、纱线等纺织品,作品包含油画、装置、布偶等。Misaki Kawai 的作品以线条为基础,强烈的色彩,夸张的形态,唤起人们的共同的情感和记忆。因其明亮、幽默的艺术风格而闻名。除了艺术实践,Misaki Kawai还特别热爱设计艺术书/zines,并与不同的机构合作商业性项目。Misak Kawai 最新的全球项目为受邀成为了宜家的地毯设计特邀艺术家。本届书展的 Morning Reading 早读课栏目由 Misaki Kawai 来主导,邀请报名参加的读者们一起来翻阅她早期亲手制作的充满着异域风格的绝版 zines (总计20-30本,都是单本或绝版作品)! 在她的创作里,什么是“糟糕的好”呢?她是从什么时候喜欢上动手做艺术家 zines 的?亲自来问她吧!Misaki Kawai Heta Uma Zines 早读课报名费:100元/人;时间:5月18日、5月19日 10:00 – 10:50(书展开始前,共两场),每场限定读者15人。

Misaki Kawai, Japanese artist. works with painting, drawing, sculpture, artist’s books and objects, clothes, furniture and installation.She shuns expertise and uses an anime method called heta-uma that “risks amateur aesthetics by embracing basic expression” . Misaki Kawai has exhibited extensively internationally with solo museum exhibitions at ICA Boston; PS1 MOMA, New York; Tokyo Opera City Gallery, Tokyo; Watari Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo. Other notable exhibitions include Deitch Projects, New York; Valencia Institute of Contemporary Art, Valencia, Spain; Museum of Modern Art, Toyama, Japan; and The Children’s Museum of Art, New York. Now Misaki Kawai lives with family in Copenhagen and LA.

The Morning Reading Session of UNFOLD 219 is directed by Misaki Kawai with her extraorditonary and exotic zines designs brought in front of you. She collects 20 – 30 copies from her early days when she began to make zines with color pencils, paper, clothings, scissors. During her Morning Reading, fans of her will get a chance to talk with Misaki casually and learn from her! Welcome to Misaki Kawai’s Morning Reading!

Misaki Kawai: Heta Uma Zines Morning Reading ticket: 100 Yuan.
Session Time: May 18 10:00 – 10:50 & May 19 10:00 – 10:50 (15 readers limit for each session)


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