Graphic means: A History of Graphic Design Production

前数字时代的设计:Graphic Means 观影沙龙 + 背景解读

影片85分钟,英文对白,简体中文字幕(TIB 团队翻译),UNFOLD 书展放映会特惠门票:60元/人

如果没有电脑,平面设计师怎么工作?怎样编排字体?怎样在版面里插入图片?怎样运用色彩?设计稿做完了又如何让印刷机批量印刷? 今日,绝大部分的设计靠计算机软件完成,得益于它的迅捷,也受制于它的单一,更因为行业知识的断层,数字工具成为我们唯一的依赖。当我们渴望探索新的创作手法,当我们深入研究某种风格的来源,当我们意识到设计师与工艺材料之间的隔阂,当我们争论 AI 是否能代替创意工作者,当我们开始思考人的设计与创作活动的本质……我们无可避免地频频回望,期待从历史中寻找启迪。

这也许是纪录片 Graphic Means: A History of Graphic Design Production 在去年一经推出就引起广泛反响的原因。这部有关前数字时代西方平面设计历史的影片,从上世纪五十年代直至九十年代、从热金属铸排机到激光照排、从手工剪贴到数字 PDF文档,它探索了平面设计职业生产方式的发展。现在,Type is Beautiful 与纪录片制作方合作,将它正式带到你的眼前。

这是 Graphic Means 在内地的官方授权放映,Type is Beautiful 团队作为专研文字设计和视觉文化的媒体计划,此前为影片制作了简体中文字字幕。在放映会之后,我们还将进行解读和延展讨论的环节。

Before there were computers, how did graphic designers work? How would you deal with typography, crop images, set colors, and how would you handover the design to the printer?

While most of the design today are completed with the aid of digital softwares, they liberate and constrain us at the same time. They almost become our single resort, partly as a result of the interrupted transition of knowledge from pre-digital time. But as we explore new methods, as we try to bridge the gap between design and production, and as we investigate what it really means to be a creator when AI comes into the equation, we cannot but look back into the history for enlightenment.

This is probably why Graphic Means: A History of Graphic Design Production has been so well received since it was released in 2018. The documentary explores graphic design production of the 1950s through the 1990s – from linecaster to photocomposition, and from paste-up to PDF. Now it is brought to you by Type is Beautiful, with Simplified Chinese subtitle and a following commentary.



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