China Meets Norway in a Bookshelf No.3
China Meets Norway in a Bookshelf No.3
Curated by Northing
第三届中挪书架奇遇记 at UNFOLD 2019 艺术书展,Northing 策划,挪威驻沪总领事馆支持项目
《极光之声》漫画现场、《门当弗对》新书发布、挪威百人豆本发布、Jippi 挪威经典漫画社
第三届中挪书架奇遇记总四个文化项目于 UNFOLD 2019 艺术书展上呈现:
表演嘉宾: Fredrik Rysjedal,Stephan Miedell, Jacqueline Fan
《极光之声》是由挪威漫画家 Fredrik Rysjedal 创作的漫画现场表演作品,由《极光之声》和《近、更近、最近》两个故事组成。两个故事都是围绕画家素未谋面的爷爷——参加过战争的水手所展开,与家族传奇与谅解有关。故事均根据真实事件改编。 漫画现场是通过现场舞台表演的形式展现和阅读漫画的方式。Fredrik Rysjedal 先生会与现场即兴乐手配合,即兴编辑朗读漫画叙事。本次中国巡演特邀挪威著名实验作曲家、吉他手 Stephan Miedell,与中国民乐乐手Jacqueline Fan (PIPA 琵琶)合作,为漫画现场配乐。 《极光之声》漫画现场是是 Northing 的文化交流项目“中挪书架奇遇记 No.3”的第一部分内容策划。
演讲嘉宾:Fredrik Rysjedal, 王烁;主持人:俞闻候(Ben)
Fredrik Rysjedal 是目前挪威漫画领域唯一获得博士学位的漫画艺术家,而王烁也是中国唯一的漫画博士。这次挪威出版社 Kinakaal 邀请两位漫画博士创作了这本名为《门当弗对-elsewhere》的漫画集,两位艺术家分别用各自的漫画语言对四个相同的主题进行了命题创作,从而通过对主题的不同理解不同挖掘和不同表达让读者从一个侧面(或剖面?)了解地球两端两种文化的异同:看似互不相干的中国和挪威,通过漫画家的视觉故事不经意中交织共鸣。
作为中挪文化交流机构 Northing 策划的出版项目,Kinakaal(白菜)出版社希望通过与中挪艺术家的合作来制造新的对话机会,在文化的不同维度(视觉的、独立的、学术的、未知的,等等)打开交流的可能性。白菜在挪威语中是“中国甘蓝菜”的意思,是挪威人生活中最司空见惯的蔬菜之一,或许也是普通挪威人与中国这个词最直接的联系。这就是 Northing 将旗下出版社起名为 Kinakaal 的原因,希望两个遥远的文化可以发现彼此之间隐藏着的千丝万缕的微妙联系。
漫画集《门当弗对-elsewhere》是 Kinakaal 的第一本正式出版物,是 Northing 的文化交流项目“中挪书架奇遇记 No.3”的第二部分内容策划。
书架奇遇记第三届之挪威百人豆本 UNFOLD 2019 首次发布
项目策划:Northing x 香蕉鱼书店
从2015年起,香蕉鱼的豆本项目已经在中国许多城市巡展,并去过伦敦和波尔图。这次在 Northing 的全程策划下,豆本北上了。2018年 Northing 策划了挪威豆本系列,半年时间里征集并总共入选了 100 位挪威画师和设计师的艺术作品并制作成一个个独特的小小书,称之为小豆本。在 UNFOLD 2019 书展现场 Northing 的展位上首发后,Northing 也将与香蕉鱼一起开始新的豆本城市巡展。
挪威豆本项目可能是迄今为止挪威艺术家参与人数最多的中国项目。许多都是全球知名的艺术家,如:Anna Fiske(你好!地球)和 Kanstad Johnsen 姐妹(木娃系列)。挪威豆本在加入豆本大家庭进行挪威巡展之前,将于上海艺术书展首发!
挪威百人豆本项目是 Northing 的文化交流项目“中挪书架奇遇记 No.3”的第三部分策划。
书架奇遇记第三届之 Jippi 漫画
Jippi 漫画社成立于1997年,目前已经出版了上百部漫画书,作者大都是挪威艺术家。挪威漫画在此期间开疆辟土,Jippi 在挪威漫画界积极的发展和精进中扮演了重要的角色。不断出新的 Jippi 合集系列“另外”(Forresten)为年轻艺术家提供了舞台,并为知名艺术家创造了新概念的试验田。这次 Northing 为国内读者带来了一些 Jippi 最具实验性的漫画作品展示于 Northing 的现场展位上,欢迎大家来阅读交流。
挪威 Jippi 漫画出版社作品展示,是 Northing 的文化交流项目“中挪书架奇遇记 No.3”的第四部分内容策划。
Sound of the Aurora is a comic performance where Fredrik Rysjedal will perform the two digital comics: Sound of the Aurora and Close, Closer, Closest. Both stories are based around this grandfather that was a warsailor, and the themes of the stories build around family legacy and forgiveness. The stories are based on real events.
Comic Performance is a scenic presentation of a comic, Fredrik Rysjedal is live editing the comic panels and visuals together with the musicians that play the Soundtrack live. This time Fredrik will play together with Stephan Miedell, experimental composer and guitarist from Norway, and Chinese musician with traditional Chinese instrument.
Sound of the Aurora is a part of China meets Norway in a bookshelf No.3 project.
As a publication project planed by Sino-Norwegian cultural organisation Northing, Kinakaal publisher wish to open up new possibilities for dialogues, through cooperation with different artists from the two countries, on different cultural (visual, independent, academic, unknown, etc.) dimensions, and facilitate communication. Kinakaal means Chinese cabbage in Norwegian, which is the most common vegetable you find in a Norwegian supermarket. It could be the most direct connection a common Norwegian people has with the word Kina (China). That’s why Northing named it’s publishing house Kinakaal, and hope to inspire discoveries of the subtle connections in disguise between the tow remote cultures. Elsewhere is the first book published under Kinakaal, which is a part of Northing’s cultural exchange project China meets Norway in a Bookshelf No.3.
Norwegian Mini Zines project might be the first time where so many Norwegian artists worked together for a project developed in China. Most of the artists are well-established and some are renown worldwide such as Anna Fiske and Kanstad Johnsen sisters. Before joining the big Mini Zine family to tour Norway, Norwegian Mini Zines will be released the very first time at the Shanghai Art Book Fair 2019.
Jippi Comics was founded in 1997, and has published more than 100 comic books mainly by Norwegian artists. Norwegian comics have been breaking new grounds in the period, and Jippi has played an important role in this positive development and improvement of the Norwegian comics scene. The ongoing anthology Forresten has been the place both for new talents and for the established creators to test out new concepts.This time, Northing will introduce some of the most experimental tittles from Jippi to China.